Goals vs. Objectives: What You Didn’t Think You Needed to Know

When it comes to carrying out projects in your business you need to know just what it takes and what you’re doing at every step of the process, right? You need to make sure that you’re on the right track and that you’re getting everything done the way it’s expected by your team, your bosses, your stakeholders, and your clients. So, what do you do? Well, for one thing, you’re going to have to set some goals and objectives. But just what are goals and objectives? How do you set them and how do you tell them apart in your business?

Daniel Guajardo

Chief Executive Officer

What Are Your Goals?

Let’s start by taking a closer look at your goals. Goals are the results that you want. They’re the ultimate outcome that you’re trying to get to and they are generally quite long-term. They’re also broad in nature. You use goals for your personal life and your professional life. You might also have goals for the company or for specific projects. In general, these goals are used to create strategies and plans for the future of your business. That means they’re extremely important, but they’re not the only thing.

What Are Your Objectives?

When we talk about objectives we’re talking about things that you’re going to do in order to reach the goal. These are things that different groups within your organization might be responsible for or individuals within the organization might be responsible for. It’s all about measurable actions that are used to help get to that goal. They’re specific and they’re smaller because they have to be something that you can tell you’re using to make progress toward your goal. If you don’t then you’re not going to be able to get to that goal at all.

Creating Goals

If you’re ready to create goals for your company you need to take a look at just what it is you’re hoping to achieve. What is your company's vision or purpose? What would make your company achieve full success or your employees achieve their individual level of success? All of these things can help you set up goals that will help to improve the company culture and get your business off on the right foot. After all, you want to make sure that you can actually work toward those goals and achieve them, right?

Creating Objectives

Once you’ve created the goals that you need for the company it’s time to start looking at the objectives that are going to help you get there. What are you and your entire team going to do in order to get from just having a goal of achieving it? In general, your goals are going to be quite broad. That means you need specific steps that are going to get you there and help you achieve the success you’re looking for. So, you create objectives that will guide you and your team along the way.
When creating your objectives you will also have to specifically define what each of your goals is. In most cases, your goal will start out as a very simple statement of what you want to achieve. But in order to create objectives, you need to make sure that you are as specific as possible about the goal and just what it means to you. After all, a single goal could mean something different to each person who sees it if you don’t get specific. And that means you’ll be working toward entirely different objectives, and likely never getting where you want to be.
Once you’ve created a detailed outline of just what the goal is you can start breaking down what you need to do in order to achieve it. What objectives are going to make you feel that you have been successful with that goal? What would you need to do in order to ensure you’re on the right path and everyone else on your team knows what they’re doing to help you get there as well? These are going to be the objectives that you want to set. And there may be a lot of them, depending on the goal you set.

Creating the Right Objectives

When you’re creating your objectives you need to work on SMART objectives. You may have heard of this term before, but it’s even more important when you’re working toward objectives and goals within your business. The objectives that you set need to help you work toward the most important thing, the goal. In order to do that they need to do five things. They need to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. But just what do these five things actually mean? And how do you make them work for your specific goal?

 The objective needs to have as much specificity as possible, including statistics, numbers, and deadlines. The more specific you can make it the higher the chance of success that you’re going to have. After all, if it’s specific you know what you’re trying to do and you know whether you’ve achieved it or not.

Measurable: What could you use to track whether you’ve actually achieved the objective that you want to achieve? This is where those numbers are going to come into play as well. If you wanted to call 10 leads and you called 5 you can measure how well you did on your objective.

Attainable: You need to push yourself, but you also don’t want to push yourself too hard. The objective that you set within a set deadline should be something that you can achieve. It might require you to push a little harder than you normally would, but it shouldn’t be something that’s practically impossible.

Does this objective help you move closer to the overall goal that you’re trying to achieve? If it does then it’s relevant. If it doesn’t then that means you’re steering away from where you should be and you’re not reaching for the goal.

Time-Bound: What is the deadline that you’re going to achieve this goal by? We mentioned this once, but it’s extremely important that you have an actual deadline for each of the objectives that you set so you know if you’ve achieved them or if you still have more time in which to achieve them.

Setting Up Your Goals and Objectives

So, once you know what goals are, and what objectives are, how are you going to make sure that you’re on the right path in setting both of them for your business? Well, you’re going to need some type of system that will help your entire team keep track of what needs to be done and just how it should be done. That’s where Instagantt could come in to help you. You’ll be able to keep track of everything that you need, and you can do that through this system, as long as you know what you’re doing.

With Instagantt you can set your overall projects or even overall goals and then set up the different tasks or objectives that you need to meet in order to achieve them. You get to decide what you’re working toward and you also get to decide what needs to be done in order to get you there. From that point, you’re going to have the opportunity to set up just who is responsible for each of the objectives and the overall goal, so everyone is working toward that same end.

By assigning objectives and tasks to different members of the team you can make everyone accountable for what’s happening in the goal and the projects that you need. This is going to make it easier for everyone to feel like they are part of the process and they are important. Plus, with Instagantt you can track all of the progress that’s being made. That means everyone can record just how far they’ve come on the objectives that they’re responsible for and the rest of the team can keep updated on how much further they have to go in order to reach the goal.

Deadlines, dependencies, start dates, color coding. Communication, notes, and more are no problem with Instagantt. In fact, you’ll be able to record all of this information and a whole lot more with your Instagantt system. And that means everyone on the team and everyone who needs to know is going to have a much better chance of getting the tasks they need to be accomplished. All you have to do is make sure you record everything properly. Then, make sure every member of your team checks in to see what they’re responsible for and what needs to be done next.

Do You Need Goals and Objectives?

This might seem a little backward that we’re now talking about whether you even need goals and objectives after we’ve already talked about how to set them and what they are. But it’s important to look back on this point as well. Our goals and objectives even necessary? Do you need to have them in order for your business or organization to succeed? What if you just skipped over this part and just got to completing your tasks one step at a time? Well, there are a lot of things that you should know about just this very thing.

First, objectives and goals are extremely important. You should not attempt to go through your career or your business’s life without them. After all, without goals, you don’t really know where you’re going or what you’re trying to achieve. Without objectives, you’re not going to have a way to actually get to that achievement. So, do you really want to do that to your business? Do you really want to meander aimlessly along just trying to get through the current task or the current project? Or do you want to set goals that will help your business to grow and continue to succeed?

Setting those goals and objectives is the only way that your business will continue to grow. Without them, you’ll stay exactly where you are and any business that isn’t growing is actually failing. After all, if you can’t keep up with the changes going on in the field and the world you’re not going to be able to keep the customers and clients that you need in order to stay in business. That’s going to mean a whole lot of trouble for you in the long run. And all you need to do to counter it is set a few goals.


When it comes down to it, setting goals and objectives doesn’t have to be hard. It’s going to take some time because you need to think about what you want for your business and how you want to get there. But it doesn’t have to be difficult to come up with those things. And once you’ve come up with the goals then setting the objectives that you need in order to reach those goals shouldn’t be hard either. All you have to do is think it through. Before you know it, you’ll have all the goals and objectives you need, and you’ll be pushing your business and your team toward achieving them.

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