Standalone Updates November 2020

Elevate Your Project Management Experience with Instagantt's Enhanced Features

Paula Kehr

Customer Success Director

Andres Rodriguez

CMO at Instagantt

New Profile Section:

Personalization has become a necessity in today’s digital world. We realized we needed a Profile section so that our users could configure their profile as needed; with this in mind, Instagantt now lets you upload your favorite profile picture, and edit your profile name or nickname.

You can now also configure your workbook’s notification settings by clicking on your avatar from the main menu, then Profile, followed by Notifications. You can choose to receive new notifications when a task is assigned to you, as well as when there's a new comment that involves you.

Profile Section

Currency Symbols:

We’ve added new currency symbols to our existing currency options. Now, you will be able to select the Korean symbol (₩), as well as the Indonesian rupiah (Rp) from the currency list in order to assign your per-hour rates.

Head over to Options, and select Currency from the list. Then, simply select your currency from the drop-down menu and assign your rates per team member or collaborator.


Tag Management Section

When managing projects, we know how useful tags can be. Tags can help you categorize your tasks, differentiate and prioritize information, and quickly identify and visualize the information that matters the most to you.

If you have created multiple tags, you can now visualize them in a grid-like format so that you can easily select, manage, and filter your tasks by their assigned tags.

Also, you can now access and manage all the different tags you’ve created directly from your workbook’s settings. To do this, simply click on Workbook Settings from the main menu, then select Tags from the menu. From here, you can visualize your entire tag list, and create, edit, or delete any of your tags.

Tags Management

Help Guide Videos

To quickly understand how to use one of Instagantt’s features, you can now choose between a collection of short, helpful videos. You can learn how to create a Gantt chart from scratch, how to invite team members, how to set up Dependencies, how to create and send public snapshots to team members and stakeholders, and more.

Head over to the upper right corner and click on the Help symbol. From there, you can also choose to visit our Help Guide for more useful information and tips on how to make the most out of Instagantt’s awesome features.

Help Guide

Exclude Tasks Descriptions

We understand how important and useful it is to share your project’s status report with team members, clients, or stakeholders. But we also know that sometimes you need to only share the right information.

So now, when creating public snapshots, you can choose between excluding or including your tasks’ description. This way, you can have even more control over the information you share with external parties.

Exclude Options

Load Baselines on Progress Chart

Instagantt’s Baselines feature allows you to create and compare timelines, which helps you review and analyze any changes that have occurred to your project’s schedule so that you can see what the original plan looked like, and track specific changes.

Baselines are so helpful when managing projects, that we have now included them in the Progress section of our Overview module. With this newest update, you now have the ability to load an existing baseline to the progress chart, and quickly visualize and compare your expected and current progress against your baselines, so that you can have a more complete perspective on how your work has progressed.

Baselines Overview

Workbook Settings: Capacity per User

You can now configure the capacity per user directly from your workbook’s settings. To do this, simply click on Workbook Settings from the main menu, then click on Settings, and select the Rate per Member per Hour ($/hr) option. Then, simply assign a capacity per day, per member.

Once you’re finished editing the information, make sure to save your preference before closing.

Capacity per User

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