Instagantt vs. Star Infinity: Getting You Ready to Go

Is your company using the right systems to keep track of tasks and keep everything on the right page? Chances are you’ve heard of a lot of different systems, and you may have even tried out several. We’ll take a look at Stat Infinity, which is one of the top platforms available. But we’ll also take a look at Instagantt and what you should know before you make a decision.

Paula Kehr

Paula Kehr

Customer Success Director

Andres Rodriguez

CMO at Instagantt

But you may not be doing everything you could be to stay on task. And that could be hurting your company and your customers at the same time. So, let’s take a look at a couple of the top options that you should be considering when it comes to task management. Those are Star Infinity and Instagantt, and each one is going to help you in big ways. 

Why Choose Instagantt Over Star Infinity? 

Overall, Infinity is an all-in-one system that lets you manage just about any type of project that you want. You can organize it in different ways and use plenty of different tools to customize the system to your preference. Not only that but you can navigate easily, you get several different language compatibilities and it doesn’t require a big learning curve for those who are just getting started. All of this can help you move along fast. 

Overview of Star Infinity Features:

- Highly customizable

- Easy navigation

- Multiple language compatibilities

- Easy learning

- All-in-one project management

- Boards and sub boards

- Several viewing options

Overview of Instagantt Features:

- Timelines

- Dependencies & milestones

- Tasks & subtasks

- Drag & drop

- Baselines

- Critical path

- Multiple projects & workspaces

- Diverse exporting options: Excel, image & PDF

- Public snapshot sharing options

- Team collaboration options: Notification & task assignment

- Custom view & fields

- Custom color options for progress bars

- Risk & priority

- Estimated & actual cost

- Gantt & workload view

- Ready-to-use templates

The Good About Star Infinity

There are some great features to check out if you’re looking at and considering Star Infinity. For one thing, you’ll love that it offers several different viewing options. That means you can choose whether you prefer Gantt charts, Kanban charts, tables, or a host of other viewing platforms. This gives you more versatility and lets you pick out something that will fit the needs of your team. You’ll be able to create a setup that you’re most comfortable with or you can try out several of the different options.

Another benefit is the ease of use. When you’re trying something new you want to make sure that it’s going to work the way you expect and this system is designed to be as easy to use as possible. You can get your entire team set up in no time and you’ll all be able to learn the different steps to create and manage projects easily as well. This is going to make it easier for everyone to be on board and to give your customers the kind of service that you’re looking for because there’s no learning curve to project management. 

Personalization and customization are other features that a lot of users really love. The ability to adjust things to fit what you’re looking for and to make sure that they are designed in a way that’s comfortable and easy for you is definitely a benefit. You and your team can continue to tweak the system and the layout to get what you want and the company is actually very responsive to users as well. That means you may even be able to get some changes and updates on the fly as well.

The Not-So-Good About Star Infinity

Nothing is perfect, and Star Infinity is the same as everything else. There are a few things that you may not like and that could hold you back from choosing this option. For one thing, the mobile app is not designed as optimally as it could be. Some of the features aren’t available through mobile, which means you’ll need a desktop or laptop computer in order to see calendar views and some of the other options. This can be a bit of a hassle if you tend to spend a lot of time on the go or commuting and want easy access. 

Downtime and bugs can be a bit of a problem as well since this is still a relatively new application. The team seems to be working out many of these problems and they do have a great customer support team, however the downtime and problems can be difficult when you’re trying to carry out tasks. You want to make sure that you have everything backed up and that you’re monitoring for any problems. Let the team know and they’ll definitely work with you to try and fix any problems you do find however, which is a great benefit overall.

Finally, the system itself needs just a little bit of sprucing up to get it looking its best. Sure, you can find some great features and you can definitely learn how to use it well. There are plenty of options and customizations as well. But overall it lacks a little in the final aspects and the finesse. So, you want to make sure that you’re aware of this flaw. It’s not so much about the usability of the system for your clients, but rather about the way that you use it within your team which may be a little disappointing. 

Star Infinity Alternatives

Okay, so what if you decide that this system isn’t the one for you? Or you at least want to take a look at some of the other options that are out there? Well then, you’ll want to take a closer look at Instagantt. It’s a top notch program that will help you and your team to get everything you’re looking for and not only do it quickly, but do it well. And we’re going to take a look at some of the most important features to help you make a choice. 

First, Instagantt is a Gantt chart system that’s designed for project management. You can create as many projects as you want and you can even set up any quantity of team members. All of this means that your entire team or even your entire company will be aware of what’s happening and able to collaborate at the same time. If you need different tasks within different projects you can set up the people who are involved in each one, including assigning tasks and projects, start and end dates and even dependencies. All of these things are made as easy as possible.

Next up, you can customize the system to make sure that it’s exactly what you’re looking for. That means creating those tasks and subtasks and projects. It also means changing out colors, setting recuring tasks, starting from scratch, creating templates, or anything else you want. All of these things are designed to help your team stay on task and make sure that they know what they’re supposed to be working on at any given time. That’s going to make you overall more efficient with your customers, which is the entire point of a quality project management system, right?

Next up, you only pay for the specific number of users that you actually have. Where some systems require you to pay in increments of 10 or even more, Instagantt charges for the specific users you have. You pay $5 each for a user each month, to make sure each person has access to what they need. For a solo account you can pay only $7 per month for a single user. And what’s even better is that those prices include all of the features that Instagantt has to offer, with no tiers or added features that will cost you extra. 

Your next benefit is that you’ll have plenty of different features to go along with the system. Instagantt has a lot of options and features built right in, but if you’re not finding exactly what you’re looking for that’s not a problem either. That’s because Instagantt actually works with plenty of other services and allows you to integrate other platforms that you’re using. That way, you only have to update your information one time and you’ll be able to see it reflected across each of your systems. What could be better than that for a company that’s trying to save time and improve efficiency?

When it comes to user friendliness and learning curve you’re going to be pleased as well. That’s because Instagantt offers the best in each of these areas. The design is simple, with drag and drop features that your entire team will be able to learn in no time. Not to mention there is no need for a tech background or advanced training. You may not even need a meeting to implement this new protocol. Just let everyone know that it’s there and they can try it out for themselves to learn how it works.

With the Gantt chart design you’re going to have all of the options you need to set up different tasks for your team. You’ll be able to show them exactly what they need to do for each of their individual tasks and each project that needs to be completed. Set up the task itself, the deadline, the start date, any dependencies, and you’re ready to go. Each of your team members will be able to see what they’re responsible for and they can even communicate and send information directly through the platform. This makes it easier to keep everyone moving forward in the same ways.

Finally, you can update information in real-time. Because this system is carried out online, your team can update different tasks and information, send messages, and more. And they can do it just like a chat function. This is going to make it easier for everyone to stay on top of what’s happening and reduces the number of conversations and the time you need to be away from your desk. You can always check in on the platform to see how something is coming along and what still needs to be done in order to get back on schedule or even ahead of schedule.

Choosing the Best

You want to pick the best of the best options and the good news is there are plenty of choices out there. All you have to do is make sure that you’re evaluating the different features with both Star Infinity and Instagantt. Luckily, both have some good options and you’re definitely going to have a great pick no matter what you do. Your team will be able to take care of their tasks and keep moving forward for your customers in a way that really works and helps you improve your bottom line.

With Star Infinity you’re going to have great navigation and customization options. You’re also going to have some excellent features with the different boards that you can use and the ways to view them, but you’ll have a few drawbacks in the way of the mobile application and some of the bugs that they’re still trying to work out.

On the other hand, Instagantt has great pricing and offers a range of different features and collaborations that make it a great pick. You’re not going to have as many board designs, but you are going to have some options to join this service together with some of your other favorite platforms, which is definitely going to be a benefit for you and your team. 

In the end, it’s going to be entirely up to you which service you decide to use and just how it’s going to improve your way of working with customers. 

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